Every small business needs some form of IT support, but hiring an IT specialist can be costly for your company. In addition to paying a sizable salary for an IT employee, you also need to dedicate office space and a competitive benefits package to attract the talent your business needs. A better option is to work with an outside IT company to eliminate the budgetary challenges associated with hiring a full-time IT professional. Here are a few ways to maximize your small business’s IT support:
Know Your Limitations
As a small business owner, you are used to wearing several hats including the IT hat. Know what you can and can’t fix so that you don’t waste company time trying to fix a problem that would be better (and faster) handled by an IT professional.
Calculate Downtime
How much does it cost for every hour that your computer system is down? Perform this calculation now to determine when it’s worth your company’s money to pay for outside IT help. For instance, in the case of a relatively minor problem that you are capable of fixing yourself in an hour, dealing with downtime might be more cost effective than calling in IT. Larger, more complicated problems that cause you to lose a half day or more worth of working hours will likely be better handled by paying an outside IT company to come in.
Stick with One Company
Once you find an IT company that you’re happy with, stick with it! Too often small businesses try to save a few dollars by shopping around for a new IT company every time a problem comes up. If you’re happy with the company that set up your computers, call them when a problem arises. They’ll already be familiar with your computers and will save time in the long run. If you sign a contract, make sure to stay on top of the contract renewal so that you have someone to call when the next problem comes up.
Reliable IT support is crucial for any successful small business. Knowing when to call in the professionals will help you save valuable company time and money so you can get back to doing what you do best–running your business.